Help Children Learn About Grief & Loss by Sponsoring a Book!
Books will be distributed to local hospitals, schools, counselors, funeral homes, hospices, and libraries in honor of your loved one. In each book purchased a label will be placed in the book letting the child know the book was gifted to them in honor of your loved one. Please email us with the message or name you wish to have on the labels.
About the books:
In Loving Memory is a book the discusses the difficult topic of grief to children in a calm and comforting way. The co-author Lacie Brueckner has been a funeral director serving families since 2005. She has always taken a special interest in meeting the needs of children during the funeral process. She has found that most children want to feel included in the funeral too.
In this story a young girl named Harper has lost her grandma. Through gentle words and soft illustrations Harper learns what a funeral looks like and how she can participate. Harper and her family also take you through her journey of starting the grieving process. A child who has lost someone near and dear to them can learn from young Harper experience.